DeleteRows Post-processing Function

DeleteRows post-processing function can be used to delete unwanted rows in our extracted data set.

For example, I have this scraping agent DeleteRows Function Example(Post-Processing) example in our account and I want to delete the row which contains Jul. So, we I can use the DeleteRows Post-processing function to delete the Jul month rows automatically by setting the delete expression.



  1. Edit the scraping agent by clicking on the Edit tab

  2. Go to the field OpenMonth and click on the Edit field button

  3. Click on the Add Post-Processing button to add the DeleteRows function, the below dialog box will appear

  4. Now enter the text Expression parameter which you want to delete from the field, as I did in screenshot above to delete the OpenMonth='Jul'

  5. Then Save the function and the scraping agent configuration

  6. And finally, re-run you agent to apply the changes.

After DeleteRows Function

If you notice the OpenMonth field in screenshot below, the Jul month rows are deleted by the DeleteRows function.

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